
When Does The Cook County Soda Tax End

A Chicago-area soda taxation went flat Wed, potentially putting the time to come of similar measures beyond the U.S. in jeopardy following a bitter clash between the soda industry, public officials and public health advocates.

A Cook County board commission voted xv-2 to repeal the penny-per-ounce tax after a backlash from store owners, potable companies and bottlers. Melt County includes Chicago and many suburban areas.

Supporters warned that the determination would go out a $200 million hole in the county'southward 2022 fiscal year budget start December. 1. They likewise dedicated the revenue enhancement as a way to reduce consumption of unhealthy sugary beverages.

Opponents hailed the tax'due south demise, proverb it did not accomplish its stated goal of combating obesity and instead hurt low-income consumers.

More:Can the move to taxation soda be stopped?

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More:Potable tax sweetens Philly coffers, sours retailers

"This shows that momentum is swinging against beverage taxes," said William Dermody, vice president of media and public affairs at the American Beverage Association, which represents soda companies and fought the measure. "Drinkable taxes are really a money grab that has zip to do with public wellness."

The American Heart Association accused soda companies of slinging "faux claims" to mislead commissioners into repealing the tax.

Repeal "protects potable industry profits at the expense of kids and families," said American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown said in a statement. "The American Heart Association will proudly continue the fight to pass sugary drink taxes across the country."

Cook County was the sixth U.S. municipality to taxation sweetened drinks, joining the likes of Philadelphia, Berkeley, Calif. and Boulder, Colo. San Francisco and Seattle are set up to impose similar taxes Jan. 1.

Show on the effects of soda taxes on sales and public health is "deficient," according to independent fact-checker Politifact.

A Cook County lath spokesman said members were not available to annotate Wednesday due to their full-panel meeting. The total lath officially repealed the tax after a 15-1 committee vote Tuesday.

Before the final vote, Cook Canton Board President and soda tax proponent Toni Preckwinkle was resigned to the levy's fate.

"It is upward to the commissioners to choose our direction on revenue, and I respect their authority to practise and so," she said in a statement. "At present, together, we must chart a new course" to balance the upkeep.

Local store owners, soda makers and bottlers worried about lost sales and warned of potential layoffs and cuts to commitment routes. A group formed to fight the measure, called the Can the Revenue enhancement Coalition, reported that sales at some stores had immediately plummeted when the revenue enhancement took outcome Aug. ii.

"Cook County working families and businesses have overwhelmingly rejected the county'due south beverage tax," Tin the Revenue enhancement said in response to the board Finance Committee's vote. "Their voices and opposition to the tax have been clear and consequent. Commissioners were listening and mutual sense has prevailed."

Opponents of the tax as well said it violated the Illinois Constitution by failing to apply the tax evenly because some beverages are exempt. For example, information technology did non use to sweetened coffees made by hand.

"There are amend ways to address obesity and help set authorities budgets gaps," Coca-Cola said Wednesday after the tax was overturned. "Our combined product and marketing efforts can be more effective at reducing the sugar people drink over the long-term. This is our focus as we piece of work to assist people reduce the corporeality of saccharide they consume."

Backers defended the tax as an important source of revenue for budget-strapped Cook Canton and argued that people would be more than inclined to give up sugary sodas because of higher prices.

PepsiCo, the nation'due south 2d-largest seller of sodas behind Coca-Cola, did not immediately respond to a request seeking comment Wednesday.

Follow Usa TODAY reporter Nathan Bomey on Twitter @NathanBomey.

When Does The Cook County Soda Tax End,


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